In observance of Presidents' Day, AGFinancial will be closed Monday, February 17.

Our Impact

Connect your faith & finances.

Put your money where your faith is

AGFinancial was created to support churches, ministers, and individuals with industry-leading financial solutions, along with personalized support, to help build financial health at every stage and advance the Kingdom of God.

Investing in Kingdom Growth

AGFinancial investments provide a competitive rate of return while helping grow ministries all over the country.

Creating Peace of Mind

Insurance coverage helps churches manage risk and prepare for the future.

Resourcing Ministry

More than $500 million has been distributed to ministry over the past decade through AG Foundation and the stewardship of donors.

Building Toward the Future

Our current church lending portfolio is over $1.5 billion.

Sheffield Family Life Center is here today largely because AGFinancial stood with us and became about what we’re about: changing lives, changing communities, representing something that is light in darkness.

—George Westlake, Lead Pastor, Sheffield Family Life Center, MO
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Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.

We wouldn’t be here today, as a 120-acre center for ministry for children and rural pastors, had it not been for the creative ways that AGFinancial can help leverage people’s resources. I have watched those resources be put to work so that lives are changed.

—Bryan Jarrett, Lead Pastor, Northplace Church, TX
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Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.

Jesus said you can’t serve God and money, but you can serve God by managing money well. AGFinancial and the local church are both working for the 'well done.'

—Rob Ketterling, Lead Pastor, River Valley Church, MN
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Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.

AGFinancial is more than a financial institution. They are my partners and coworkers who are also involved in ministry, so they speak my language.

—Nino Gonzales, Lead Pastor, Calvario City Church, FL
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Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.

Did you know we have a wide array of products and services to help you on your financial journey? Learn how we can help.

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