In observance of Presidents' Day, AGFinancial will be closed Monday, February 17.


Defend Yourself Against Fraud


Major data breaches are occurring on a regular basis. The Identity Theft Resource Center reported a total of 1,244 breaches in 2018; click here to see the key findings of their 2018 breach report. The numbers speak for themselves, therefore it’s essential you learn precautions to protect your assets.

Utilize Online Access

At AGFinancial, protecting the data of our clients is a high priority. We employ a variety of best-in-class processes and tools to enhance security for all clients. Online Access allows us to provide additional security measures to help protect our clients, including 2-factor authentication. Along with numerous features that increase convenience, the additional security features include the option to sign up for electronic notifications, send secure messages, and review your transaction history and balances. To sign up for Online Access, click here.

• Send secure emails to AGFinancial within Online Access.

Safeguard your personal information.

Don’t share personal information by phone unless you initiated the contact and know who you are communicating with. Think twice before posting personal details online (including those fun get-to-know-you quizzes). You don’t want to make it easy for hackers on social media to guess the answers to your security questions and compromise your identity to allow unauthorized access to your accounts. Consider switching to e-statements for financial accounts rather than having information mailed to your home (a secure login is required to view statements).

• AGFinancial will not call or text you asking for personal information EXCEPT as follow-up to a request or contact initiated by you.

Minimize hacker access

Public WiFi is convenient but leaves you vulnerable to cyber theft. In addition, many people are not aware of the dangers of leaving their Bluetooth on (making their devices discoverable). This is similar to leaving your front door open to criminals. Once a hacker is able to connect to your computer or phone, they not only can access and steal your information, (contacts, passwords, and more) but they can leave themselves a back door, enabling them to connect later to intercept the information you are sending out.

• For protection, be sure to take the extra step to log out of Online Access and close your browser.

Be aware of scams

Hackers are continually finding new ways to try to steal your data beyond phishing and caller ID spoofing. Stay aware of current scams, and sign up for free scam alerts from the FTC at Sadly, seniors are a common target of scams. Click here to learn more about scams directed specifically at seniors to help safeguard yourself or a family member.

It’s important that we all take proactive steps to protect our identities and financial accounts against unauthorized access and not rely solely on institutions for that protection. By taking the steps above and staying alert to new scams and methods used by hackers, you can minimize your risk of being a victim of a fraud scam.

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