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Watch: How to Deal With Sexual Misconduct in Your Church

Church Risk Management

Sexual misconduct with a minor is the number one reason churches end up in court. Pastors and church leaders need to be aware of it and know how to respond if this horrible event takes place in their church.

In the most recent riskmgmtLive, Jerry Sparks, President of Insurance at AGFinancial, provides invaluable insight on many aspects of sexual misconduct in churches. He gives advice on how to avoid it, incorporating a plan of action once an incident takes place, and how to deal with the resulting media attention.

The documents Jerry references in the video are available to download free of charge, and we have compiled the following slideshow that summarizes his advice from the episode.

Download the slideshow and all forms mentioned in the video.

If you have questions about managing risk in your church, Tweet us @agfinancial or send us an email.

This information is not legal advice. Information is from sources deemed reliable. Information is subject to error, omission, withdrawal, or change. Contact your own legal advisor before taking any action that would have a legal consequence.

This information is not legal or tax advice. Information is from sources deemed reliable. Information is subject to error, omission, withdrawal, or change. Contact your own legal or tax advisor before taking any action that would have a legal or tax consequence.

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